How to Check if Third-Party Cookies Are Enabled in the Browser

Jomar M
Today I learned how to check if third-party cookies are enabled in a browser using a simple JavaScript approach. Third-party cookies are often blocked by browsers due to privacy concerns, and if your web app relies on them for certain features like cross-site tracking or integrations, it’s essential to verify if they are supported by the user’s browser.
Here’s a code snippet that checks for third-party cookie support using an iframe and postMessage. This method sends a message from a third-party domain to the parent window, allowing us to detect if cookies from that domain are accessible.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; export const useThirdPartyCookieCheck = () => { const [isSupported, setIsSupported] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { const frame = document.createElement("iframe"); = "3pc"; frame.src = ""; //Add your hosted domain URL here = "none"; = "fixed"; document.body.appendChild(frame); window.addEventListener( "message", function listen(event) { if ( === "3pcSupported" || === "3pcUnsupported") { setIsSupported( === "3pcSupported"); document.body.removeChild(frame); window.removeEventListener("message", listen); } }, false ); }, []); return isSupported; };
Call the hook within your react component
const thirdPartyEnabled = useThirdPartyCookieCheck()
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